"Juvenile" behavior is not limited to crackers. Hackers and hacker groups have fights. They will insult each other in public (like in Phrack where the editors wrote entire articles "ragging" on a person and were sarcastically replying to over a dozen letters per issue, on BBS message forums, or on IRC) disconnect a target’s phone service or stick them with a huge long distance bell (in the case of phreaks), or hack into their computer accounts with malicious intent. At conferences, hackers tend to wreck mild-havoc in the main hotel – setting off alarms, trying to hack into any hotel phone or computer systems, drinking large quantities of alcohol – including many under-age hackers, watching pornography, hiring strippers, etc. Also it is probable that some self-proclaimed "ethical" hackers have participated and profited from "unethical" behavior (perhaps the lower-key crime of using a calling card for free calls, though refraining the more serious crime of credit card fraud), but just never got caught and keep it a secret. So while there is an argument to be made for distinguishing between hackers and crackers, there are clearly times when the categories are inaccurate or when people transcend them.
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