How to Find Out the IP Address of a Router

How to Find Out the IP Address of a Router


Level of difficulty: 


The IP (Internet Protocol) address of a router can be useful if you want to secure your wireless network. It can prevent unauthorized users to gain access to your wireless network. You can also make some changes to your router’s settings by accessing the settings from your Web browser. In order to do this, you need to know the IP address of your router.

Materials Needed:

- Internet connection
- router’s manual (optional)
Step 1
You can easily get the IP address of your router by checking the user’s manual. If you do not have the manual, you can access the Internet and check the router’s website for the IP address.
Step 2
Open a Web browser window. Search for the official website of your router. Search for the model of the router that you are using. Usually, manufacturer’s use a default IP address for each model of a router. Once you have found the model of your router, check the online manual for the IP address.
Step 3
If you cannot find the specific model of your router on the router’s website, try searching for it on search engines. Type the model of your router on the search bar followed by 'default IP address'. This should bring up some results for the IP address of your router.
Step 4
In some cases, the manufacturer does not use the default IP address for the router. Sometimes, the IP address can also be changed manually. You can also get the IP address of your router even if it has been changed. To do this, click on the 'Start' button on the lower left corner of your desktop. Select 'All Programs' from the list. Choose 'Accessories' and choose on 'Command Prompt'.
Step 5
A new window will appear on the screen. On the window, type 'ipconfig' where the cursor is. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.
Step 6
Wait for the results for a few seconds. A lot of information regarding your computer and network will appear on the screen. Search for the line that reads 'Default Gateway'. The numbers beside this line is your router’s IP address.
Step 7
You can change the settings of your router by using the IP address. On your Web browser window, type the IP address on the address bar. This should open a page containing your router’s settings.


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